but seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. -matthew 6:33

Sunday, April 24, 2011

He has risen! He has risen indeed!

Ever since I can remember, at church we have had a tradition to look at your neighbor and say, "He has risen!"; then the neighbor replies back with, "He has risen indeed!". We have been blessed at Binghamtown by the tomb that Preacher Bingham II replicated from the garden tomb in Jerusalem. It sits behind the church and is visible all days of the year, but it plays a special role each Easter as the sunrise service takes place. We are shown once again how Jesus arose from His grave and holds the keys to hell. That is one magnificent promise.

There were a number of baptisms during this morning's Easter service; several of which were children. While sitting with one of my good friends and co-workers I told her I might start crying. It only took the first child being baptized and I was already blubbering. It was an extraordinary sight to see though, and I do not regret one tear.

"I sing because there is an empty tomb. I sing because there is a power that saves. I sing because his grace is real to me. Oh I sing because I'm not alone. I sing because someday I'm going home, where I'm gonna sing throughout eternity". This very song is one I think of often that Jimmy used to sing in church. I miss hearing it so much, especially this morning. It also reminds me to pray for Jimmy each and every day. He leaves such an impression on lives through his music ministry and his talent of his voice.

Each year since I can remember, me and mom have made our anual bunny cake. It always amazed me when I was little because I never understood how you took two circles and made a bunny. Now that I understand that you can cut one of the cirlces and get two ears and a bowtie, it makes perfect sense. We normall have a white bunny, but this year we decided to go with a chocolate bunny. I personally like this one a lot better. I did everything in pink along with the speckled m&ms, while mom did the rest (baking the cake, cutting the cake, and frosting it with chocolate-the tedious parts!). 
Bunny Cake
Also, even though I am counting down the days until I am 20 (nineteen more days), one is ever too old to receive an Easter basket...

Lifesaver gummies, Lindor cookies and cream truffles, Reese's pieces carrot, and iTunes&Subway giftcards
I am so very blessed to say that I have been a born again Christian since I was six years old. I still remember the exact place I was when I accepted Christ into my heart and he saved me. It was on a Sunday night- the best Sunday night of my life. I have not been the same and I know without a shadow of a doubt Heaven will be my home.

"And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name" -Romans 1:4-5
The preacher gave the meaning of the word declared as: God being the guaranter of the guarante (our salvation).

He's alive and I'm forgiven! Heavens gates are opened wide!

Have you thought about accepting Jesus? If not, today is the perfect day to start a new life.


  1. Love that you have a blog! I have a great girl that designs blogs... shoot me an email and I will get you her info if you want!

  2. I'm loving it so far! I was wondering how you got yours to look so good...I def will :)
